Friday, July 30, 2010

Bloop Bloop Bloop Bloop...

It's summer!! (in case you missed it). Well, actually "summer" is almost over as school starts Monday for our family. But in Phoenix, I think summer really lasts until November. At least temperature-wise it does.

So, being summer, we needed a weather appropriate summer sport. Thus I give you swimming. Well...Maddi is swimming. As you will see, Izzi is running away out of fear.

Pre-Lesson Smiles

Maddi Practices Back-stroke

Maddi doing forward glides

Izzi getting in the pool

Izzi fleeing the pool

Aaahhhh 2-year olds!! To give her some credit, she did have a little water scare earlier this summer where she went under. Hopefully 9 long months out of the pool will help erase some of her fear of water. Also, Sophi and I will not miss sitting outside at 11:30 four days a week in triple digit heat. Next year, I'm shooting for the 9:00am lesson!

Next month Izzi starts dance while Maddi has chosen to stick with gymnastics. Stay tuned for more of the Williams family sports journey!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Fun ~ Craft time!

I am ever searching (like many other moms) for ways to entertain my children during these hot summer months. With the current ages the girls are at, tantrums, naps, bfeeding, and my own sanity, I feel like there are few things that we can actually tackle outside the house.

In an effort to limit tv time and the increasing amount of arguing, screaming and fighting between M and I, I've decided to get crafty. I love Kimberly Bee's photography idea, and may copy that, but for today I've found us with a little trip to Hobby Lobby to stock up on some art supplies and hands-on craft ideas (yay for something besides play-doh and water color!). We were successful in our shopping endeavors and out popped craft #1. Kites, or... no..., I think the're kites...

And that's it! Happy Summer Entertaining to all of you Phoenicians out there!

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's "Tastics"!

Hello Gymnastics (or in Izzi speak "tastics")! This sport will always be near and dear to my heart. As a child gymnast, I have many fond memories of time spent and friends made at Sunrays Gymnastics. So, when Isabelle (and subsequently Maddi) decided that they would like to try Gymnastics, my heart did a little happy backflip :)

Now to *toot* a little momma horn, I must share the following story. At Isabelle's third class I had a parent of one of the other little girls approach me and ask if Izzi was mine. When I sheepishly (thinking she was causing problems) replied yes, they went on about what a natural she was and how she was "built" to do this. I couldn't help but agree (insert big smile and mama pride here). She is absolutely a natural at gymnastics and it's amazing to see at only age 2. I promise myself, Jeff, all of you, and most importantly Isabelle that I will not become one of "those" parents. She currently loves "tastics" and I will support her 100% for as long as she wants to continue in this sport. The day she wants to quit, I may shed a little tear, but I will completely back her up and accept her decision!

Maddi has recently joined Isabelle in "tastics". I always thought that gymnastics would be the perfect fit for my bubbly, energetic, can't-sit-still little girl and it may be. Only time will tell! Until then, I am completely amused each weak as I watch my beautiful un-graceful little duckling flail her body too and fro and laugh with hilarity the entire time. As long as she is having fun, I will be her biggest fan!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Aye-yah!! ...or is it Hi-yah...

In my quest for how to entertain my oldest, I've decided that it would be good for her to experience and try out some different sports. The City of Glendale has some wonderful programs for affordable prices so I thought we would try some out. And what better place to post these experiences than on our blog :)

Maddi's sport of the month is Karate . I was actually quite surprised that my bubbly, bouncy, boisterous little girl was able to follow the instructions and structures of Karate. I pictured her dancing circles in front of the mirror while she play kicked and did her "cool spinny trick". Instead I found I actually have a little girl that can sit still - I mean it, she didn't even bounce! Not only that, but she followed all directions, responded with "yes sir", and screamed some very loud "aye-yah's!".

I think she's absolutely adorable in her Karate outfit (no, I don't know what it's called. and yes, I will mis-tie her belt for tomorrows lesson) miss Maddi has already informed me that she now wants to take gymnastics.

I guess that gives me four weeks to finding her a super-cute leo.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Huh? It's march?

Just dropping by really quickly with an update! No sale on the house, actually our short sale was denied. Here's for trying to do the right thing by working with our lender and staying current!

We made the decision to move out of our house. As finances go, we can no longer afford to stay here without doing huge damage to our financial future - ie lots more debt created just to pay for the mortgage. So, we are moving on. We will continue to work with our lender on a short sale, maybe they will be more apt to work with us once the account becomes deliquent.

Here's our new address!
5435 W. Libby St.
Glendale, AZ 85308

Once again, I promise to make an attempt to update this more regularly!!